
Allocate more ram to steam games
Allocate more ram to steam games

allocate more ram to steam games

But it seems to look as good as OXR80 and I run it with TAA100 and I think it’s smoother than OXR85/TAA85. I know it automatically sets the resolution based on VRAM size. It also seems that performance is a bit better when I uncheck “use custom resolution” in OpenXR. If there’s any clarity improvement it dies as soon as I move my head even a little. I also tested with MR disabled - nope, still can’t stand it. I wish I can load it and close the software… Not sure if I lose the OC when I close X1… Now I wonder if the modest overclock settings I can load with it stick after I close it? I’d like to use all the power I can get, and I have OC BIOS that allows me to raise power and temperature max, and dial a bit of stable overclock (+200 memory, +110 Core - it’s really not much but FTW3 is a high-clocked 3080 from the factory, so this is the most I can push while remaining 100% stable). As soon as I close it - situation significantly improves. I tested a few times - as soon as I enable Precision X1 - I get more frequent microstuttering, even when it’s set on stock clocks. There was no 1 to 1.5 second microstuttering that was driving me nuts! It’s not perfect but it’s much closer to a constantly smooth experience. Precision X1 (EVGA 3080 control panel - overclocking, cooling etc.) - I closed it and saw a massive improvement on microstuttering! Not that I didn’t see a stutter here and there, but they were rare, and were far between.VoiceAttack (I use it to interact with MSFS) - no change if closed.Closing it down didn’t make any difference in microstuttering. FlyPT Mover (controls my DIY Motion Platform rig).The ones that were most noticable, other than system-related, were:

allocate more ram to steam games allocate more ram to steam games

First I run everything at stock clocks (CPU/RAM/GPU) and oserved no improvement on microstuttering.

Allocate more ram to steam games